I love this! I am teaching Latin II this year to high schoolers and I may borrow some of these ideas because I want to incorporate a more immersive experience for them vs. just rote memorization! So glad I found your Substack!

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I’m delighted to help another teacher!

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Rural Ohio? Anywhere near Steubenville? We live in Central FL, but I've been looking for land outside of Steubenville in the WV panhandle.

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Northwest Ohio---Fulton County, west of Toledo. A small Catholic school where the kids learn Latin in 7/8th grades to prepare for Spanish or French in high school and to learn parts of the Latin Mass. A great group of kids and parents.

The TLM church is in downtown Toledo---St. Joseph's---and our Bishop is most supportive. He will come an celebrate special feast days in Latin.

Steubenville is wonderful with their outstanding Franciscan University there. I bet you could find a lovely spot there.

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My daughter's family, on her mother's side, are all from Tiffin.

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